Revolutionizing Postpartum Blog

The Amazing Benefits of Cord Blood Banking

The Amazing Benefits of Cord Blood Banking

Thank you to the team at Progenics Cord Blood Cryobank for sharing what-you-need-to-know including what is Cord Blood, what are the benefits of cord Blood Banking, and more. Read to the end to learn more about Progenics and for a special NAKEDTANK discount.

 As expecting parents, you want the very best for your baby, ensuring their health and well-being from the get-go. One incredible way to safeguard their future health is by considering cord blood banking.

How A Postpartum Doula Can Support Your Breastfeeding Journey

How A Postpartum Doula Can Support Your Breastfeeding Journey

Sherri Phillips, founder of Baby Helping Hands, shares how a Postpartum Doula can support your breastfeeding journey. Enjoy!

The latest MUST-HAVE for an expecting mother: The New Mama Celebration Planner

The latest MUST-HAVE for an expecting mother: The New Mama Celebration Planner

Hello mamas! It’s time to revolutionize baby shower etiquette by adding in New Mommy must-haves that support you as you prepare for motherhood. Whe...